Enhance Agriculture by Boosting Crop Yield, Reducing Pests, and Treating Diseases


  1. Increases agricultural crop yield/output (in most cases).
  2. Reduces weed growth and harmful insect infestation. 
  3. Controls and cures many agricultural diseases

    1. bacterial
    2. viral
    3. fungal

  4. Improves soil crumb structure & soil quality, balances pH and greatly increases indigenous microbial species varieties and population densities.

  5. Remediates soil contamination – eliminates organic and inorganic pollutants including raw sewage and trace heavy metals such as arsenic, copper and zinc.
  6. Saves operational costs since farmers can reduce the use of pesticides, insecticides by up to 100 % and fertilizers by up to 90 %. Prolongs crop freshness once harvested providing more time for delivery to market.
  7. EBD Systems are also effective in Aquaculture/Fish Farming applications.

Laboratory and field data corresponding to additional EBD treated crops are available upon request.

Mr. Damian Soler, Manager of AgroSolmen and the grape farmer talking about EBD units installed for over 2 years in the vineyard in Spain.

Paco Piniero in Spain growing green peppers.

Mr. Damian Soler, Manager of AgroSolmen in Spain confirming EBD efficacy in treating pig slurry and converting it into decontaminated, organic fertilizer.

A pig farmer using a pig slurry solids separator and EBD to produce enhanced value plant fertilizer.

Antonio Manzanera confirming EBD efficacy in treating hard water problems in agricultural irrigation applications.

Since 2014, Freytech Inc. EBD Technology is now in operation in over 30 countries and counting