Heavy Metals/Phosphates/Nitrates (Nutrients) and Sediment Filtration

The patented filtration system, EcoStorm Plus, is the only one of its kind in the world. It filters numerous heavy metals (including ARSENIC), phosphates, nitrates (nutrients) and sediment from water. While other filters for such contaminants last a matter of months and tend to clog up easily with sediment, the EcoStorm Plus filter lasts up to 5 YEARS depending on pollutant loads.  Initially designed and in use for municipal storm water run-off treatment, this unique system has many additional applications.  Such applications include  removing arsenic from ground and surface water as well as from water in treatment facilities, mining, manufacturing, industry, and decontamination of retention ponds and large bodies of water such as lakes and rivers. 
Available in portable High Density PE or in concrete vault design. Treatment flow rates 50 GPM (3 l/s), 190 GPM (12 l/s) and 350 GPM (22 l/s). No power requirements.
Our patented stormwater filtration system is designed to help businesses and municipalities comply with local rules, policies, and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) to minimize and prevent pollutants in stormwater discharge. 
EcoStorm Plus filtration system is intended to be integrated with a Stormwater Control Plan (SWCP).


  • Algae bloom treatment.
  • Parking lots.
  • Treatment of run-off from metal roofs (Copper, Zinc,…).
  • Removing arsenic from ground water, surface water, and   water in treatment facilities
  • Industrial manufacturing facilities.
  • Commercial/retail developments.
  • Municipal/residential drainage improvements.
  • Transportation/maintenance facilities.
  • Water Quality Improvement of retention ponds/ lakes/rivers.
  • Mining operations.
  • Land and Water Decontamination.