Bee Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) Remedy Utilizing EBD Technology

EBD  technology  creates  a  balance  in  the  positive  and  negative  energy  charges present in the beehive and in the bees themselves. Due to pollution, there is an excess in negative energy charge which causes one of the two oxygen electrons, to spin off creating oxidizing and destructive superoxide (O2-). O2- is unstable and robs oxygen electrons from the immediate surroundings –  including from the bees themselves. This electron depletion in the bees, causes their immune system to weaken and this is why so many bees are dying all over the world. 
EBD Systems emulate a balanced energy environment which in turn causes unstable (O2)- to combine once again with another electron thus providing for healthy oxygen (O2)   in   the   bees’   environment. With healthy   non-oxidizing (O2),   indigenous microorganisms which have positive symbiotic relationships with the bees, will greatly increase in population densities and varieties and will in turn, boost the bees’ immune systems and overall health.
Restoring the NEP (-) & PEP (+) energy balance in bees and in beehives, will lead to an increase in the number of honeybees, as well as anincreasein honey and royal jelly yields.  In  addition,  honey  and  royal  jelly  quality,  taste  and  nutritional  value  will also be improved.
Bee propagation will increase significantly.

Since 2014, Freytech Inc. EBD Technology is now in operation in over 30 countries and counting