Wastewater & GHG Treatment Using EBD Technology


  1. Remediates over 95 % of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) and Ammonia Emissions emanating from wastewater tanks and lagoons on a continuous flow through basis. 
  2. Treats raw sewage in a flow through, real time basis in sewer pipes, open canals / ditches, septic tanks and Waste Water Treatment Plants (WWTP) without requiring labor, chemicals, bacteria, aeration, electric power, filters or other consumables. Functional and ideal solution for any location which lacks sewage treatment facilities.
  3. Increases efficiency of Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems (OSTDS) as well as Municipal & Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plants. 
  4. Up to 35 % savings in blower/aerator electricity consumption.   
  5. Reduces onsite sewage sludge volume on a continuous & real time basis.
  6. Reduces foul odors emanating from underground sewage piping, septic tanks, sewage drainage ditches and canals as well as from WWTP.
  7. Installation is easy and can be completed in a matter of hours. Retrofitting in existing tanks is simple and, in most cases, there is no need to break concrete.
  8. Long service life exceeding 15 years +.
  9. Affordable, reliable system with very low maintenance requirements. 
  10. System is green, sustainable and contributes significantly towards restoring ecosystem health in rivers, lakes, wetlands, ground water and soil.
Before After

An industrial wastewater treatment application using EBD technology. This food processing company was being fined numerous times by the municipality for exceeding its discharge limits. Since the EBD system was installed, the company has been meeting all of its discharge limits.

The company also installed EBD Water Packs to keep its industrial nebulizer piping  and equipment  free and clear of clear of scaling, fouling and clogging problems. The thermos nebulizer electro fog equipment is used for postharvest treatment of fruits and vegetables in cooling chambers.

The EBD treatment process of wastewater in another pig farm containing two pig slurry single collection tanks. The speaker refers to an additional University Report which confirms that the wastewater is being sanitized and the Greenhouse Gas and Ammonia emissions are being remediated inside the pig housing facility as well as in waste water tanks. No more odor and no more flies and insect infestation.

Jamundi, Colombia. EBD treating wastewater in real time flowing in sewage pipes.

Mr. Antonio Reinaldos, intensive pig farmer interview describing Freytech EBD technology to liquefy pig slurry, reduce GHG emission concentrations, improve slurry wastewater drainage and improve pig growth cycle.

Mr. Gonzalo Galvez, Engineer in Colombia confirming EBD has been remediating municipal wastewater in two septic tanks for the last 4 years and that there is no odor.

Since 2014, Freytech Inc. EBD Technology is now in operation in over 30 countries and counting