Above Ground Oil Water Separators - ecoLine A

Enhanced Coalescing Oil Water Separators (OWS) to separate free non-emulsified oil, hydrocarbons, diesel, gasoline, fuels, from water and guarantee 5 parts per million (PPM) separation efficiency. Affordable small footprint units for flow rates starting at 25 GPM (1.5 l/s) to over 640 GPM (40 l/s). Coalescing media is easy to maintain and can be spray washed and reused for years of trouble-free efficient use. Each model comes with standard manual oil drain port or can be provided with the optional “ADD” oil skimmer. Optional downstream polishing system available to also separate trace emulsified oil down to 0.1 PPM.

With the ADD Skimmer, the oil being separated inside the OWS is mechanically and automatically collected 24/7 and drained by gravity to a separate receptacle. The skimmed oil will contain only 0.3 % of water thus providing the operator with an outstanding 99.7 % concentration of pure used oil. This represents a significant advantage over other skimmers in that the operator no longer has to pay for the separated oil and the excess water to be removed from the separator by septic truck and shipped/ treated in a wastewater treatment plant. The operator can even sell or donate the pure separated oil since it is now possible to skim it free of water from the separator on site.

Typical Fields of Application

  • Gasoline stations and other fueling facilities.
  • Electrical transformers.
  • Oil storage areas.
  • Transportation fueling systems.
  • Surface and wash water from petrol stations, car wash and repair workshops, pressure washer cleaning, wash water recycling.
  • Industrial process wastewater treatment
  • Treatment of wastewater from oil-removal plants.
  • Purification upstream to emulsion breakers, ultra- and microfiltration.

Freytech Oil Water Separators can separate to below 5 parts per million (PPM) guaranteed

ECOTOP (Stainless Steel)

The ecoTop above ground oil water separator is made of high- grade stainless steel. Achieves below 5 parts per million (PPM) separation. Each ecoTop model comes with standard manual oil drain port or can be provided with the optional “ADD” oil skimmer. Optional downstream polishing system available to also separate trace emulsified oil down to 0.1 PPM.

With the ADD Skimmer, the oil being separated inside the OWS is mechanically and automatically collected 24/7 and drained by gravity to a separate receptacle. The skimmed oil will contain only 0.3 % of water thus providing the operator with an outstanding 99.7 % concentration of pure used oil. This represents a significant advantage over other skimmers in that the operator no longer has to pay for the separated oil and the excess water to be removed from the separator by septic truck and shipped/ treated in a wastewater treatment plant. The operator can even sell or donate the pure separated oil since it is now possible to skim it free of water from the separator on site.

Typical Fields of Application

  • Transportation.
  • Gasoline stations, car wash and repair workshops.
  • Industrial process waste water.
  • Oil production, oil-removal plants.
  • Reconditioning of cooling water.
  • Treatment of waste water from oil-removal plants.
  • Mobile cleaning of oil-contaminated ground water and oil contaminated land.
  • Mining Operations.

Outstanding Oil Skimmer Technology provides 99.7% pure separated, skimmed oil with only 0.3% water content.

Containerized Separators

The Containerized Oil Water Separator includes a steel cargo container measuring either 20 or 40 feet in length that is provided turnkey to the client. It has all of the sedimentation chambers and the oil water separator equipment built into the container itself. It represents a unique solution for a wide variety of applications where infrastructure may be lacking and also for those cases where the operator may not want to invest in concrete tank construction or other types of resources on property being used / exploited on a short-term basis. Achieves 5 PPM separation of free non-emulsified oil. Optional downstream polishing system available to also separate trace emulsified oil down to 0.1 PPM. Engineered for use in both hot and cold climates.

Typical Fields of Application

    • Gasoline stations and other fueling facilities.
    • Electrical transformers.
    • Oil storage areas.
    • Transportation fueling systems.
    • Dept. of Transportation (DOT) maintenance sites.  
    • Treatment of industrial process waste water.
    • Treatment of waste water from oil-removal plants.
    • Mining sites

Freytech Technology Offers Separation of Trace Emulsified Oil Down to 0.1 PPM

ecoSorp Emulsified Oil Separator


The ecoSorp oil water separator is for use to obtain below 1 part per million (PPM) separation efficiencies. It is for use with free or PHYSICALLY EMULSIFIED AND DISSOLVED OIL by adsorption from water. This represents exceptionally clean separation. The ecoSorp requires filter / coalescing media cartridge replacement, since it works through adsorption and the media becomes saturated over time (typically once a year). Recommended for use downstream of a Freytech Inc. above or below ground 5 PPM oil water separator to prolong its useful life. The media can absorb up to 22 lbs (10 kg) of oil. Units available with flow rates up to 100 gallons per minute (GPM) / 380 liters per minute (L/M). No electrical power requirements.

Typical Fields of Application

    • For emulsified and dissolved oil.

Since 1996, Freytech Has Been a Global Leader in Enhanced Coalescing Oil Water Separation Technology