Provide high quality, low maintenance, affordable oil water separators and skimmers that meet and beat oil discharge standards in North America and abroad.


Implement scalable, next generation remediation technology to effectively treat critical environmental contamination problems.

Freytech OWS & EBD Technology has been deployed in over 40 countries and counting


Freytech Inc. Oil Water Separators (OWS) are amongst the most efficient and affordable available in the global market today. Our OWS achieve 5 PPM separation efficiencies when dealing with free oil and 0.1 PPM separation when dealing with trace emulsified oil.
OWS systems meet and beat API Standards and are also EC Certified. Available in tanks made of HDPE, High Grade Stainless Steel, Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) or standalone turnkey kits to retrofit existing above or below ground tanks.
Our patented oil skimmer, the “ADD,” is a game-changer since it skims automatically and mechanically — achieving 99.7% pure oil extraction. This means that the extracted oil has 0.3% in water content — making the skimmed oil pure enough to use in oil burners in-house and valuable enough for local oil recycling companies to haul it away free of charge in most cases. 
Not only are our OWS systems highly efficient, but they are also more affordable — costing considerably less than our competitors’ products. We can handle any flow rate in above and below-ground applications.

Since 1996, Freytech Has Been a Global Leader in Enhanced Coalescing Oil Water Separation Technology


EBD systems harness and balance energy fields present in air, water and soil invigorating native microorganisms to remediate organic and inorganic pollutants and restoring entire ecosystems to their original natural state.

EBD Applications include, but are not limited to:

    • Bioremediation and Elimination of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
    • Agricultural Soil Remediation, Disease Control & Crop Yield Augmentation
    • Raw Sewage Treatment 
    • Soil and Groundwater Remediation
    • Optimization of Wastewater Treatment Plants
    • Lake, River and Wetland Remediation 
    • Bee Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) Remedy
    • Paraffin Wax Remediation in Oil Wells 
    • Hydrogen Sulfide Reduction in Oil Wells
    • Corrosion Control in Oil Wells and Pipelines



Freytech Can Aid in Drought Situations

The water crisis in the western US, has forced State Governments to implement severe cutbacks in water allocations to its agricultural and municipal water districts. Freytech provides solutions to the serious crisis with a variety of proven technologies that conserve, treat, and reuse existing water supplies.

Decades of research by Freytech scientists have developed economical and sustainable technologies for today’s water starved agricultural and municipal water consumers.

Freytech Inc. Shines at the Global Energy Transition and Climate Solutions Conference 2024

Freytech Inc. showcased its innovative Environmental Balance Device (EBD) at the Global Energy Transition and Climate Solutions Conference held in Milan from July 1-3, 2024, where it was selected as one of only six companies from over 500 applicants, highlighting its leadership in sustainable energy technology.

The conference, attended by over 7,000 participants including key industry leaders and policymakers, emphasized the urgent need for decarbonization and collaboration to address climate change. Freytech’s CEO, Mr. David Roberts, presented the EBD, which aims to optimize energy efficiency and reduce emissions in industrial processes, reinforcing the company’s commitment to advancing climate solutions.

The event also provided vital networking opportunities, positioning Freytech to influence future energy policies and drive the adoption of sustainable technologies as it continues to refine its innovations.

GLobal Energy Transition Conference 2024 - Freytech